Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Questions on Black SDA Church History
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Welcome back to Advent Next a theological podcast curated for curious faith discussions. This week we are talking with Dr. Calvin Rock, Author of Protest and Progress to answer some questions regarding the history of the Black experience in the SDA church. Dr. Calvin B. Rock was President of Oakwood College from 1971-1985. He was also the General Conference Vice-President from 1985-2002 and served as chair of Loma Linda University and Loma Linda University Medical Center boards. While this program is more focused a format of questions and answers, we have some future programming coming up that will be geared towards taking a chapter by chapter overview of his book Protest and Progress. We want to thank the Adventist Learning Community for making this program possible as well as Dr. Calvin B. Rock. This program is part of a larger initiative to educate members on the history of the Black experience in Adventism. If you’re not already following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube, be sure to find us at the handle @adventnext. I’m your host Kendra Arsenault and this is Advent Next.
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