Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Genesis & Messianic Prophecy (Dr. Jerome Skinner)
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Welcome back to Advent Next a theological podcast curated for curious faith discussions. This week our guest is once again Dr. Jerome Skinner, professor of Old Testament Exegesis and Theology at Andrews University. If you haven’t already checked out last week’s episode with him on “How to Read the Bible,” be sure you do so, there are lots of insights into the kind of approaches and methods that will help you when studying scripture. This week, we are applying our knowledge from last week in methodological approaches, to the book of Genesis. We discuss topics like, is the book of Genesis a scientific account of creation? How early in the Torah are we introduced to the concept of the Messiah and how central is this to the theme of the Old Testament? Before we get started, we want to thank the Adventist Learning Community for making this program possible. If you’re not already following us on Facebook, Instagram or Youtube, be sure to find us at the handle @adventnext. My Cohost today is Michelle Odinma. You can find her at the handle @michelleodinmamusic and our guest today, Dr. Jerome Skinner, can be found at the handle @skinz2k2. I’m your host Kendra Arsenault and this is Advent Next.
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